The BAR Heavy Rifle unlocks at level 48 and appears as the Ohio Ordnance HCAR (Akron HC Light Machine Gun), and is located in the Assault Rifle category.
This weapon's stats are a kitbash of the Akron and RAID's BAR's stat blocks: a large and cumbersome thing that offers tremendous amounts of firepower. Despite having only 20 rounds in its magazine, this gun is an excellent choice for sharpshooters.
NOTE: The mod includes a slightly edited version of Custom Firearm Mechanic for Custom Weapons for proper bipod functionality. While the mod is completely optional, it will prevent the game from crashing when trying to switch to bipod mode when having the bipod equipped. The optional mod also requires Bipods That (Actually) Work to function.
Bipod mode has no animations, falling back to the regular stance animations
Equipping the bipod will cause a floating Lion Bipod to appear at 0,0,0