Payday 2 - Code Silver 2024 (thisiskret Remix)
Updated port of my 2024 Code Silver remix. Big thank you to maksonchik_001 for porting it originally back when it released!
2025 Update: V2
- Added a 15% chance rare Assault variation, cause why not. Experience a switchup just as surprising as Code Silver 2018s, this one having a fimiliar lead and an unusual genre switch. I recommend not spoiling it for yourself and hearing it for the first time in game. If you don't want the new assault the old download is still available from maksonchik_001's mod.
- Some minor mix changes like removing a duplicate kick that was loud asf
- As a result of it now having a rare assault, it no longer goes into mod/overrides but is now a CustomOST heist track mod. Drag both the folders inside the zip into /mods, or drag Code Silver 2024 into CustomOSTTracks if you already have the mod.
Preview for the new rare assault:
Original mod description:
I've always wanted to create a mix between the original Code Silver from PD:TH, and the remake of it in 2018.
I love both versions, they are what got me into the Payday franchise in the first place, and I've tried remixing the track many times in the past, to varying degrees on success (emphasis on varying).
This time I'm proud to show the finalized, semi-original, Code Silver 2024.
And of course, credit to Simon Viklund for creating the original tracks. Stems provided in PD:TH's OST DLC were used.

Publish Date2 weeks ago
Last Updated2 weeks ago by
