Me : I swear bro, I only came back to play Payday2 abit and some skins drop, I won't go back to modding.
Also me few weeks later : .....
This mods make you able to change Primary and Secondary Saw firemode between Automatic(default) and Semi-Auto
I however not a great coder, so if there is an issue cause by this mod, please considered just delete it or live with it as I probably can't fix them.
as always, have a good day~
Im aware of this Saw Fire-Mode Changer mod but mine not crash for secondary saw or maybe it did crash but The Fixes saved me unknowningly (you should have it, great mod)
I haven't actually try the 'Saw Fire-Mode Changer' mod I mention as creator said it will crash so I did not know if it really cause crash.
so well I thought I should make this mod up.