Mostly made this as a personal exercise, but decided to share it publicly.
This mod attempts to emulate what the returning weapons were like in PD:TH as accurately as possible. The following weapons are changed:
Amcar, Reinfeld 880, M308, Brenner-21, AK Rifle
Mark 10, Locomotive, Compact-5, GL-40 (Only bothered changing reload time and pickup since the other stats don't really matter, and changing damage messed up other grenades and only worked if you were hosting)
Bernetti 9, Crosskill Chunky Compact, Bronco, STRYK (I chose the Chunky over the regular just because It felt more similar subjectively, if you want to make it the normal crosskill replace "m1911" with "colt_1911")
These weapons are ridiculously weak in the context of PAYDAY 2 and there's not any real reason to use this unless you want a challenge or for nostalgia reasons
Nerdier Stuff Below
These are based on the fully upgraded versions of the weapons. If someone really wants the version of this with the base weapons I will upload that
In order to get the recoil and spray patterns as accurate as possible I set the stability and accuracy to 80 and 52 respectively, which can obviously throw things off in regards to weapon modifications
Most reload animations are not synced up due to the fact I changed them. AFAIK there isn't a fix outside of making new reload animations
I have commented out the falloff data for the Reinfeld due to the fact it was affecting other shotguns within that falloff tier. If you wish to reenable it remove the comment block on lines 49-55