this is just a simple override that adds a more accurate hit indicator (or atleast, more accurate than the default indicator) so you can have a better idea of where enemies are, i also noticed that you can also have a better idea of how many enemies are hitting you because the hit indicator is smaller, it also looks a little bit cleaner, which is always nice
WITH the mod:
WITHOUT the mod:
1 - extract the .zip file
2 - put the folder "hit_indicator" in your mod_overrides folder, if you don't have one, look up a payday 2 modding guide or something, there is one in the "dependencies and instructions" tab of this mod page
observation: neither the default or the improved hit indicator's are facing the fully correct position, that might just be a starbreeze studios moment, but i could try to compensate it by correcting the texture with trial and error if you guys want me to, but i personally wouldn't bother