"I've been waiting for this!"
A pack of music pulled from Persona 3 -Reload-. Intro to songs included as they don't loop that well without them. Can lag a bit when moving from the intro to the loop section, but it's harmless.
Currently doesn't contain any songs from the original Persona 3 (portable/fez) or Episode Aigis. The original from Persona 3 would likely be their own modpack.
INCLUDES (Click to view Source):
Aria of the Soul/Velvet Room
After The Battle
Color Your Night
Memories of You
During the Exams
Deep Breath Deep Breath -Reincarnation-
Iwatodai Dorm
ATLUS: Creation of the Persona games as a whole
NexTone Inc.: General Publisher for most audio tracks from Persona
アトラスサウンドチーム (ATLUS Sound Team): Team behind most, if not all music in Persona since Persona 3 Portable
Lotus Juice: Male Vocalist on all tracks in this list, excluding Memories of You
Azumi Takahashi: Female Vocalist on all tracks in this list
Shoji Meguro/目黒将司: Composed most of the tracks on this list
Atsushi Kitajoh: Producer for Memories of You, Deep Breath Deep Breath -Reincarnation Reload-, Color Your Night
Persona 3 Version : Plays the main characters All out Attack screen on heist success. Lasts for about ~15s. Loops oddly.
Persona 5 Version : Plays the run loop animation from Persona 5 after a battle. Lasts for about ~1m 30s.
Game Source:
Persona 3 -Reload-