My first mod in a good while, this time a full sound pack of weapon sounds from KF1, all directly extracted from the Killing Floor SDK! Since this is my first soundbank mod, please tell me if I got or did something wrong.
List of weapon sounds replaced:
Steakout 12G - AA12
Steakout 12G (Suppressed) - Multi-Chambered Zed Thrower
M1014, Reinbeck, Locomotive - Shotgun/Combat Shotgun
Reinfeld 88 - Trenchgun
Mosconi 12G, Claire 12G - Hunting Shotgun
Raven - HSG-1
AK, AK.762, AK17, Golden AK.762, Krinkov - AK-47
AMCAR, CAR-4, AMR-16, Little Friend 7.62 - M4/M4203
Queen's Wrath - Bullpup
M308 - M14 EBR
Eagle Heavy - SCARMK17
Gewehr 3 - MKb42
Falcon - FNFAL
Bernetti 9 - 9mm Pistol
Deagle - Handcannon
Peacemaker .45, Castigo .44, Bronco .44 - .44 Magnum
Interceptor .45, Signature .40, Contractor - MK23
Mark 10, Jacket's Piece - MAC-10
SpecOps - MP7M
Compact-5 - MP5M
Chicago Typewriter - Tommy Gun
Thanatos .50 cal - M99 AMR
Repeater 1874, Bernetti Rangehitter - Lever-action
GL40 - M79 Grenade Launcher
Piglet - M32 Grenade Launcher
Arbiter - SeekerSix
China Lake, Compact 40mm - Orca Bomb Propeller
Basilisk 3V - Seal Squeal Harpoon Bomber
HRL-7, Commando 101 - L.A.W.
Flamethrower Mk.1, MA-17 Flamethrower - Flamethrower
Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow - Compound Crossbow
Explosions - Grenade
Note: this doesn't change the Kross Vertex because the Schneidzekk doesn't have any single fire shot sounds in-game, only having a sound loop sound that I couldn't edit into a single shot sound well so it didn't sound very good, and doesn't change the incendiary grenade since I couldn't find where the sound effect is located in the madness that is PD2's soundbank organization scheme... (if someone knows, please tell me!)