This mod intends to give some fun to the hostage mechanic.
I always liked the hostage mechanic but felt it was underwhelming, basically pointless, too much of an effort for basically no reward whatsoever.
Hostages have always been pretty useless in this game, no one ever bothers with them.
Sure, having ONE extends break time by like 10 seconds in deathwish +, but how is that any fun at all? And they can also be traded for an ally in custody, but at that point you just intimidate one cop and be done with it when you need to.
This mod gives you an additional 5 seconds of break time between assaults per hostage, making having and holding as many hostages as possible actually rewarding.
Making cops surrender is also fun, and since they count as hostages, getting as many as you can to surrender is also useful now.
When break time happens, a chat message will pop informing you of your bonus break time based on the hostages you have.
Mod is disabled when joining other games, works as host only.
As some of you might know, there is a drama mechanic in the game. I won't go too much into it because you can look up how it works elsewhere, but getting a too high drama level can trigger an assault at any moment during a break, no matter the remaining break time.
To combat this, i've capped drama to a still high, but not high enough number to trigger assaults, as long as you have at least one hostage.
If you don't have any hostages, drama is uncapped again.
Other stuff
Feedback always appreciated, and feature suggestions are welcomed. If it comes to it and this becomes decently popular i might turn it into a hostage overhaul or something. Will probaly add other stuff to it either way when i get bored, or maybe not ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I like taking hostages :)