Adds UI changes, redesigned & coloured icons to base game icons & RinoHUD icons. Recoloured base game HUD, Beta HUD, VanillaHud+, Kill Counter & Bag Tracker widgets.
! Requires:
Bag Tracker and Payout by Abkarino
RinoHUD by Abkarino
Many thanks to GamerrHours for the huge daily work on testing and developing the mod, he literally sped up the work on this mod several times over. Also huge thanks to Abkarino for helping us and allowing full RinoHUD, Bag Tracker & Kill Counter compatibility. Huge thanks to Nadz (Shalashaska) for helping us and allowing full Beta HUD compatibility.
All changes log :
Menu changes:
-Party leader
-Social icon
-Heister icon
-Difficult Skulls
-Security Modifiers
-Renown icons
-Utility icons (pc,xbox,playstation)
-Preplanning assets
Briefing & match results:
-Base game favors
-DLC favors
-Results rewards
In-game ui changes:
-Defeat states
-Down counter
-Hit direction
-Safe Cracking Mini game
-Lockpick mini game
-Detection Bar
-Generic Carry Images
-Recoloured Secured Bags Notifications
-Kill Counter
-RinoHUD Counter Text
-Bag Tracker Text
-Objective Icons
-Pager Counters
-Ammo Counters
-Overkill Bar
-Deployable Counters
-Throwables Counters
-Consumables Counters
-Tools Counters
-Shared & Key Item Counters
-Hold Interactions
Base game ui fixes:
-mostly sizes and positions
New Icons for Rino HUD:
-New tracking bag colour/shape & position