"Diana, she... always talks about him."
That piece of dialogue is probably etched in many minds.
This track was composed by Thomas Bärtschi, I'll always remember the sound of those guitar strings.
Those that remember Absolution's theme very well, may notice the little changes made here and there, to fit the PD3 Menu loop, other than that, I'd say it flows well.
Don't like the ambient menu sound in the background? Check this mod out by @smileyflux and fully enjoy the music, without anything else in the way.
Mods used in the preview:
PD3 Logo fan edits by @reptilianvladeoz
Altered Mask Design for Pearl
Pearl Necklace and Scarf Restoration
Black & White Gants Fleur-De-Lys with 9 Color Variants
INSTALLATION: Place the downloaded .PAK file right here - \PAYDAY3\PAYDAY3\Content\Paks\ ~mods
⚠️Hoxton: "It's not working lass."⚠️
If the .PAK mod is not working, make sure you have added the -fileopenlog launch argument to PAYDAY 3. For example, on Steam you can add that argument by right-clicking on PAYDAY 3, then Properties and lastly, General -> You should see the "Launch Options" box there, that's where -fileopenlog launch argument goes.
If it's still not working, make sure you don't have any conflicting mods.
Extra tip: If your game renders some textures properly while other ones look like garbage, add -dx11 to your launch options, see how that works, and if your game is gasping for FPS, try this mod out.