Save your bravo_murky and bravo_elite_murky ogg files in a seperate folder if you're going to use the original voicelines back
Replaces the Restoration Mod OMNIA force voicelines to the Zulu Squad voicelines. The voices aren't loud, but they're still badass.
What is replaced:
Surrender voicelines
Clear voicelines
Death voicelines
Voicelines of moving
Voicelines of throwing grenades
Voicelines of contacting the clowns
Voicelines killing a clown
Voicelines of a buddy died
Voicelines of flanking a clown
pain voicelines
Voicelines that a clown is reloading
Ready voicelines
What isn't replaced:
Voicelines of retreating
Rescue_civ voicelines
clear_stelf voicelines
burnhurt and burndeath voicelines
hostage voicelines