Better Bodhi Video
Changes the video showcasing Bodhi in the codex entries to a scene from Point Break.
I really hated the original video. It was just in-game footage with the camera moving slightly. John Wick's video has scenes from his movies, so why didn't Bodhi get this treatment?
- I couldn't 100% recreate the screen effects the original videos have. I did my best to replicate it. I think I did alright with what I worked with.
For modders
- Keep the add.xml present. Otherwise the mod won't work.
is the internal name of the video.- In case you want to edit the video for whatever reason, keep the resolution the same as is. Anything else causes a weird green color to appear where the video doesn't quite fit in.
- I really should watch Point Break, both versions, specifically. People say the 2015 version wasn't good, but from the bits I've seen, it doesn't seem so bad.
- For those who don't know the scene in the video, or can't read lips, Bodhi's saying "You're on your own. Enjoy the party."
- Honestly, Bodhi looks better with some extra facial hair. Also, his voice in the movie is different than in Payday. I kind of prefer it.
All files go into mod_overrides.
