A Different Bleedout Animation
Replaces the old, kind of derpy downed animation with something infinitely more ridiculous.
Recently I learned how to edit the game's thirdperson animations. I decided to try and have some fun. So I made this.
- This mod conflicts with anything that edits
. Some examples include PD:TH Heister bleedout animations, PDTH Bleedout Animations (pre-u42), Actually Good Third Person Animations, you get it. - The camera gets a little funky when you are watching someone else go down via spectator mode.
- I've seen instances of the twirl causing the lower body to move, but not the upperbody. Hard to explain, but it doesn't look good in game.
- I'm not a good animator by any means, though before making this animation, I've worked with other animations. So, I guess I'm not 100% out of my element. But still, there is room for improvement.
- The animation was made by sort of combining two existing animations. Specifically
and the originalcbt_bleedout_enter.animation
. Blending them together was kind of a difficult process. The end result was an accident, if I'm being honest. I'm surprised it looked okay. - Getting the
bone in Blender to properly be attached to the left hand was frustrating. I got it to work though, and it was easier done than said, honestly. - The animation looks glitchy in Blender. I don't know why. I think Importing an Exported animation does funny stuff to the playback...
All files go into mod_overrides.
