Gensec Space Program
Ever want to just launch cops for no reason whatsoever? Then this mod might be for you. Maybe.
Gensec Space Program gives every hitscan weapon in the game the ability to launch corpses similar to shotguns, and the strength of their launch will scale with its damage value. Yes, this includes Berserker, Overkill, and so on. Combine these with something like an Amaroq or Thanatos, and you get the "Space Program" part of it.
- Launch strength is no longer static, and will scale with damage. Are you one of the 12 Thanatos mains left out there and want to never see that one cop in particular ever again? Now you won't!
- Can make bulldozers as yeetable you'd like. Bulldozers and bosses (such as Yufu Wang) receive a 70% reduction in launch strength, but you may disable this and yeet them into the skybox too!
- Can scale with crits. Want a Pokemon-style "Blasting off again" moment when you get a crit? You can do so. Toggle this on and this can be a reality!
- Want to make all launches bigger or smaller than default? Enjoy our sliding scale between 0 and 5 and watch those corpses fly as much or as little as you want!
- Obviously, this will only work in loud. When in stealth, all guns behave as expected in vanilla.
- This is client-sided. Other players will not be able to see the ragdolls you make, and you will not see ragdolls other people make, even if they have this mod installed. (Update: As of 1.2, other players can now make ragdolls on your screen. The former part of this is still true.)
- To say explicitly, the damage scaling assume an unmodified Judge shotgun has a scalar or multiplier of 1. All guns with a stronger damage output than it will deliver stronger launches, but lower damage outputs will be rounded up to a Judge (162.8 damage, after perk deck bonuses). This "critical mass" or "pivot point" value will always be present, but can be adjusted between 10 (arbitrary) and 10,000 (musket).

Publish Date10 months ago
Last Updated8 months ago by