After update epicmatchmaking(U237), Change Lobby Name Anytime always occur crash.I tried to fix it.
If you meet any problems (not working, crash), please tell me.
Original description:
This mod allows you to change the name with which your lobby will show up in crime.NET, so you can let people know before they join that you're doing a certain achievement, or ECM rushing, or the heist is already done and they should join for free exp, etc etc.
Additionally, you may set an optional lobby description. This description does NOT show up in crime.NET, but when a player joins an automated chat message will tell them the name and description of the lobby as reminder. (Essentially, the lobby description is just a "welcome message".)
This mod was inspired by the Lobby Tag mod, with a couple of improvements:
- Your lobby's name is ONLY used in the crime.NET screen, people who join will see your normal Steam name on your character and in chat.
- You may change the lobby's name at any time, even in the middle of a heist.
How to use (READ THIS):
While in a lobby or in-game as host, simply type "/lobbyname blah blah blah" in chat. Everything after the "/lobbyname" command will become the new name for the lobby.
To set a lobby description ("welcome message"), type "/lobbydesc blah blah" or "/lobbyinfo blah blah".
To check what the lobby's name and description are currently set to, type just "/lobbyname".
To reset the name to your Steam name, type "/lobbyname reset" or "/lobbyname clear". To remove the lobby description, use clear/reset, too.
NOTE: According to some people the welcoming message that repeats the lobby name and description doesn't work if you're in-game or in preplanning. So your lobby description only shows when you're actually in the lobby (not even in preplanning).
v 1.1: Now resets desired lobby name when the lobby closes down, which I think makes more sense than keeping it around until you close the game. Fixed really dumb bug from my part where other hosts would copy your name (sorry to the 5 people that managed to download this before I fixed it!)
v 1.2: Can set a lobby description via "/lobbydesc". Automatically announces lobby name and description to people who join. Fixes lobby name overtaking your real name to people who joined your lobbies.
- Pie