An Banner
I am very creative at naming
a VoidUI inspired assault banner
Put zAnBanner_P.pak into PAYDAY3\Content\Paks\ ~mods
If you do not have ~mods folder, make one.
Either -fileopenlog launch option Or UE4SS
AND PD3 Mod Loader
Featuring such revolutionary features as:
- Tied hostage counter on negotiation and control
- A very inaccurate timer
- An settings menu that may or may not work depending on how it feels today (Press
when entering a heist)
Le Known issues:
- Anticipation and Control timers are approximations so can be inaccurate on some heists.
- Honorable mention, on touch the sky, assault banner can seem off by like 30 seconds, when in actuality thats Gustavo's goofy soundtrack being delayed, if you play a different track it's fine.
Thanks to:
- Nadz, for holding my hand throughout most of the logic stuff.
- NOIRMAXXING on mws discord, for suggesting to invert the gradient making it pretty much a foundation for visuals.
- Various unreal tutorials, especially Mathew Wadstein, for teaching me what the fuck a blueprint is.
- for being useful sometimes, esp with the kismet stuff (not the modmeta tho please update the docs).
- VoidUI for Payday 2 for being such an awesome hud
- Nathan for doing some testing.
Sauce so I dont get it removed(pls no bully)

Publish Date11 months ago
Last Updated10 months ago by
