Check this out!
This mod overrides vanilla voice of Wick with actual Keanu Reeves voice. Yep, all of the voice lines.
Voice is AI Generated, but im using vanilla Wick voice lines from @waitinforam8 archive instead of just text-to-speech, so its kinda close enough. But still don't expect too much.
Been waiting for this mod for a years and just made it myself.
It exist now, freakin finally :D
Special thanks to @iloveloots to helpin me figure out how to make this work and to @waitinforam8 for exemplary work making sorted archive with original voicelines, also huge thanks to @tuanbom008 for sharing louder version, and @poppyonth and TheFallenUSER for fixing the ENGLISH ONLY bug, now this mod should work with any game language.
I've also did some fixes and this mod WONT change your desired Wick's look visually, please DO check If you had my old versions PLEASE go to PAYDAY 2\assets\mod overrides and DELETE Characters_Wick (or Characters_Wick_Voice) folder, this version now using "John Wick VoiceOver" folder instead, so old folder may cause conflicts and probably will, delete it.
Highly recommend you this mod for better Wick looks!
Now get some bourbon and make those helmets fly!