Comes with 30 outfits based on the Bravo teams from Restoration Mod. These outfits are:
- US National Guard Rifleman Soldier
- US National Guard Rifleman Soldier (Classic)
- US National Guard Shotgunner Soldier
- US National Guard Shotgunner Soldier (Classic)
- US National Guard Marksman Soldier
- US National Guard Marksman Soldier (Classic)
- US National Guard LMG Elite Soldier
- US National Guard LMG Elite Soldier (Classic)
- AKAN Containment Team Rifleman Merc
- AKAN Containment Team Rifleman Merc (Classic)
- AKAN Containment Team Shotgunner Merc
- AKAN Containment Team Shotgunner Merc (Classic)
- AKAN Containment Team Marksman Merc
- AKAN Containment Team Marksman Merc (Classic)
- AKAN Containment Team LMG Elite Merc
- AKAN Containment Team LMG Elite Merc (Classic)
- Murkywater Commando Rifleman Merc
- Murkywater Commando Shotgunner Merc
- Murkywater Commando Marksman Merc
- Murkywater Commando LMG Elite Merc (2 variants)
- OMNIA Rifleman Merc
- OMNIA Shotgunner Merc
- OMNIA Marksman Merc
- OMNIA LMG Elite Merc
- Ejercito Mexicano Rifleman Soldier
- Ejercito Mexicano Shotgunner Soldier
- Ejercito Mexicano Marksman Soldier
- Ejercito Mexicano LMG Elite Soldier
- US National Guard Benellidozer
This mod mostly uses its own textures, but will still use the following vanilla textures:
Customizable outfits
The modern NG soldiers can have parts of their model changed, such as having a different face or having their sleeves rolled-up. To do this, go into assets/units/bravo/armor_skins, open the folder for the outfit you want to edit, then open the object file for their third-person model (the one that doesn't have fps at the end).
Here is a list of the names of each outfit's folder:
Rifleman: bravo_america_rifle
Shotgunner: bravo_america_shotgun
Marksman: bravo_america_dmr
LMG Elite: bravo_america_lmg
Setting the "enabled" part of an object to "true" will make the object appear in-game. Setting it to "false" will make it not appear. Note that some objects should not be used together because it could lead to objects clipping through each other. Additionally, after making certain changes, you should also go into the first-person model's object file (the one that has fps at the end) and make changes there.
Q: Where are the other Bravo teams' Dozers?
A: The AKAN Containment Team Benellidozer is part of Resmod Reapers Outfit Pack, the OMNIA Benellidozer is part of OMNIA Outfit Pack, and the Ejercito Mexicano Benellidozer is part of Resmod Federales Outfit Pack.
Q: My mask is still appearing when I wear an outfit. How do I fix this?
A: Try using Nervatel's Unmasked v2.
Q: Why don't the OMNIA Marksman's eyes glow in his inventory icon?
A: For some reason, Menu Backgrounds causes the eyes to turn black in the menus. It should look good in-game, though.
- Nelson01023 for making a bunch of models
- Reno and Jarey for providing some assets, such as the gas mask for Murkywater shotgunner