Create a backup of your save file, I am not responsible for any corruption or issues with skills.
Integrates the loadout profiles feature that was introduced in u107 including the quick select button from u150 and features a menu slider that allows you to increase the amount of profiles up to 15.
It also backports the skill set feature to versions older than u49.
The amount of skill sets will match the amount of profiles set in mod options.
This should in theory work on any game version in between update 2 and update 106.
The mod has been tested in u2, u37.1, u49.1, u52.3, u76, u78, u78.8 and u97.7
If you find any issues with this mod please leave a comment indicating how to reproduce it and what version you are on.
note for pre-u49 users: due to initialization issues I still can't figure out, you must restart the game after installing the mod for the first time for skill sets to work properly.