Well, I was seeing this problem with a friend so I said, why not? let's fix it.
The script fixes bugs in skins caused by using mods that unlock them, this mod should only be used ONCE, Mod should be removed after use. Ideally, you should install this mod, start the game, exit the game, then remove the mod again.
If you do not do this and you unlock a skin it WILL BE DELETED, it is also important not to use this mod IF YOU HAVE SKINS as they will be automatically deleted, it is designed only for use in case of errors.
To install, extract the RAR file into PAYDAY 2/mods. You must have the BLT installed. To uninstall, simply remove the FixBuggedWeaponSkins folder again.
It is the first mod that I created, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for any type of damage.