The GenSec probably wouldn't dares to defy their destinies... who knows. . . This project has been dragging me for too long, especially AK-12 who've been supporting me on this journey. Special thanks to MosingTH and Takodachi without them, this LAS wouldn't be made. . . ╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮
Model By:Empty (RIP) Gumroad. Model By:CarlosPixiv. Model By:月悠红茶 (Presumably) Steam. Put it on mods_overrides.
Have you guys also noticed that other GFL LAS is gone?
Note: I, myself just an uploader so I don't really know how to fix some of the stuff and some of the bugs hence the tags "discontinued" which means feel free to do your own justice for this mod if you can 👍 oh yeah the Takodachi version of AN-94 was made with purpose just use glove to mitigate that.