"Fancy a trip to the big apple?"
Yaeger has hired the gang again for an important mission. While going through the intel acquired after the gang's interrupted weapons transaction with the bikers, footage of the capture and torture of one of Yaeger's close friends, Alvarez, has reached him. He runs an underground smuggling operation in the heart of Brooklyn, using a gas station as a front; but the mob from the neighbouring hostel decided to break off their "peace agreement", and launched a hostile takeover to blackmail Yaeger. Find and rescue Alvarez, then show these mobsters what happens when you mess with close friends.
This is a 1 day heist contracted by Yaeger, completable in both stealth and loud.
Features 12 custom achievements, and a custom track: Death and Taxes by Happy
Requires SuperBLT and the latest BeardLib
Yaeger Heists:
- Rogue Company
- Blood Money
- ???
- Fueled Feud
- ???
Xeletron: Level Design, Detailing, Scripting, Custom assets, Trailer
TimeForSteve: Objective design, Additional scripting, Writing
Rickerus: Heist concept, Custom characters and assets, Objective design, Writing, VA magician
Croqui42: Additional level design, Detailing, Objective design
Flonichiwa: Voice of Yaeger
Chimamire: Voice of Naomi
Sephi: Voice of Alvarez
DarthAlvarez: Face of Alvarez, Voice of Alvarez (Substitute)
Kurgan: Voice of Victor, Beta testing and feedback
TonisGaming: Voice of Katoil employees and the Mole, Usurper of the legend of Daniel, Beta testing and feedback
Kyrios: Voice of Gangster #1
LeonTheo02: Voice of Gangster #2
Happy: Custom track, Voiceline filtering, Beta testing and feedback
soosh.exe: Heist logo, Achievement icons, Equipment icons, Custom textures, Beta testing and feedback
Rex: Additional custom assets
Shadai: French translation
SmokaCola: Face of Victor
Oreztov: Beta testing and feedback