as the title says, its a team a.i mod. however, this is for u37.1 of payday 2. it can work on previous versions or even versions newer than this (hell, i would even assume it works on the latest version) - but it's best used with u37.1
what this does is:
1- give team a.i. the restoration mod movement speed preset (they'll move in the same speed regardless of direction, allowing them to catch up to you faster)
2- prevent team a.i. from staggering (i made it so they have the shield preset, but i did go back into the code and redo the gang_member_damage presets anyway)
3- allow team a.i. to dodge like cloakers (from what i've noticed, team a.i. seem to perform better in the older updates with dodge than without. although, i believe this is due to it giving them...grace period? although, i've fixed this myself by editing the gang_member_damage preset. eh, i gave it to them anyway because yes.)
4- re-add team a.i. increasing their health as difficulties increase. (in older updates, the code doesn't actually give them any health increases whatsoever. this is most likely why they're so weak anyway, but it's better than nothing. so, for each difficulty there is:
their health goes from 750, to 8000. with 8000 being used in death wish.
as it turns out, making and publishing mods at midnight is a great idea. so i removed this, because in old payday. instead of crashing. you instead get a black screen. although im 99.9% sure this is due to BLT console being activated by default for whatever reason. but thats fine.
as a gift, i've left a little "present" where the code for it was before. enjoy.
5- team a.i. are now able to melee enemies as they get close.
6- team a.i. will yell for a medic bag when low on hp.
7- will get cuffed by cloakers instead of incapped.
8- there are now 3 team a.i. instead of only 2.