Super Serious Shooter
People often ask: "If Payday: The Heist is so good, why is there no Payday: The Heist 2?"
Well, there you go!
A mod that turns the game into a (mediocre) tactical shooter.
While it is not a requirement, it is highly recommended to use Streamlined Heisting in combination with this.
This mod doesn't touch your save file, skills or inventory.
NOTE: This mod locks matchmaking and you will only be able to play with people that are also using it. When enabling or disabling the mod from the BLT mods menu make sure to restart the game to avoid issues.
You can also find this mod on GitHub, so if you want to help with anything, feel free to fork the project, make changes and create a pull request when you're done.
Player Changes
- All skill and perk deck effects (including most default upgrades) are disabled
- Grace period is practically disabled
- LMGs and Miniguns decrease movement speed while active
- Shotguns deal per-pellet damage
- Ammo pickups are reduced or disabled on special weapons, sniper rifles and some shotgun ammo types
- Piercing weapons deal less damage through shields and walls
- All armors are unlocked by default and their stats have been changed to scale linearly
- Aim punch from being shot is increased
- Revive health decreases with each revive
- Stamina drain from jumping is increased
- Weapon recoil is based on weapon damage and type and increased when hipfiring and reduced when crouching or aiming down sights
- Weapon spread is increased when moving and reduced when standing still, crouching or aiming down sights
- Aim re-centering will only apply to the most recently fired shot
- Insider assets are available for purchase by default
- All bags can be sprinted with
Team AI Changes
- Bot skills and boosts are disabled
- Bot health is drastically decreased
- Instant health regeneration is changed to slow over-time regeneration
- Hurt animations are enabled for bots
Enemy Changes
- Enemy amount is reduced
- Special enemies other than Shields are disabled (other specials can still spawn as scripted spawns)
- The "One Down" modifier is replaced with "Special Operation" which re-enables special spawns
- Enemy intimidation is only possible during assault breaks and chances are reduced
- Enemy accuracy is increased when they stand still
- Enemy logic update rate is increased
- SWAT turret health is decreased
- Captain Winters is disabled
- Flashbangs no longer play warning sounds or lights
- Teargas bypasses armor and damages health directly
- Sniper lasers are replaced by a glint and bullet tracers
- Shields will use pistols instead of SMGs

Publish Date2 years ago
Last Updated5 months ago by

