The custom outfits from mods like Restoration Mod & HEAT... now as an official standalone release!
The Combat Harness & Prison Suit both support armor.
Female prison outfit has broken wrist adapters due to the shape of the mesh. This will likely be addressed.
The reason for this, is that these outfits were implemented in Restoration Mod prior to the outfit support within BeardLib -- thus, they were implemented like OVERKILL implements new items, totally avoiding BeardLib loading, and they relied upon some specific code to adjust the visibility of adapters as necessary. Such code can't be cleanly shipped standalone, thus the model itself will be adjusted in a patch.
Credits:. Jarey_ & Rino for creating the original assets. Hater for creating the standalone package. Cpone for some last-minute fixes. Myxa for getting screenshots for me. <3 Gambyt for giving permission to use textures from Tailor Expansion for Combat Harness suit. Marshie for loc tweaks