v1.1 Update:
I've changed how the mod handles the fire-rate buff to allow for two tweaks, that the player can edit as they wish:
- Should Reload Immediately: If a weapon shot in single-fire mode empties its clip, it will automatically reload. This feature is locked to weapons fired in single-fire mode.
- Reload Boosts Firerate: This enables the "reload multipliers affect fire rate multiplier" behavior. This feature is locked to any weapon that only has a max clip size of 1.
These can be set on any weapon the same as penetration or any other special features, and will function as originally written below.
The Aran G2 comes with both of these features enabled by default. Either feature can be enabled/disabled by editing the WeaponTweakData file to true/false.
The reasoning for changing how the mod functions is because other weapons have the same issue as the Aran G2, where their fire rate is lower than the reload speed when boosted. This includes the GL40, all 3 crossbows, some bows, and a few other weapons. If the user wishes, they can give this modifier to other weapons.
Weapons other than the Aran G2 will not have this feautre enabled by default, and must be manually added to the WeaponTweakData file because learning how to do option menus is hard.
Well they didn't patch it, so I guess this is actually needed now.
The Aran G2 has a reload speed limit of about 1.7 seconds. This is because the reload speed is not based on the reload times, but the firing speed in order to match the reload animations. This however causes every skill/perk/bonus/etc that effects reload speed to not work on the Aran, as the firing speed is still locked at 35.
This mod tweaks a few things:
- Reload time and fire rate are revised. The gun still fires at exactly the same rate, but the timing of Aggressive Reload Ace is far more accurate now.
- Several skills now hook their reload speed modifiers into the fire rate modifier of the Aran. This ensures that the gun will always fire fast enough to handle the skills.
- Aggressive Reload Basic (+15%)
- Running From Death (+100%)
- Bloodthirst Ace (+50%)
- Accelerator (AI Boost, +50%)
- Crimespree Gage Reload Boost (+25%)
The two skills that would normally provide infinite ammo now also provide a +100% fire rate boost, to compensate for not having to reload.
- Bulletstorm
- Swan Song
Aggressive Reload Ace will not increase the fire rate of these two skills. It's a combination of me being horrible with lua and balance decisions.