The mod takes the old group tweaks of enemy spawns, as a result, the old spawns of cops on normal on hard return shield spawns with a cop in bronco on very hard, fbi spawns return with cops from fbi swat on OVERKILL on Death Wish with fbi squads with gene sec fbi heavy number of enemies was crippled because there were quite a few of them on the map due to the fact that there used to be a limit of enemies
Another version of Vanille Mayhem and DS mod
The standard two difficulties of Mayhem and Death sentence were left because I thought that not everyone would like the initial difficulty of the death sentence
Taser on Death sentence is usually because I liked it more usually if someone wants to change it to Zeal Version then go to tweakdata.lua remove the line self.unit_categories.CS_tazer.unit_types.america = {Idstring("units/payday2/characters/ene_tazer_1 /ene_tazer_1")}
all enemies reload on the move if you need to remove this then go also tweakdata.lua
And just remove the line and then save
local self = tweak_data.character
for unit, unit_data in pairs(self) do
if type(unit_data) == "table" then
if unit_data.weapon and not unit_data.can_reload_while_moving_tmp then
unit_data.can_reload_while_moving_tmp = true
The game crashes on the new factions Murkywater and federales Haven't looked at the map Boiling point yet on the map Safe House raid enemies won't spawn except for the Cloakers
The mod was made just to play around with the old spawns and how would the game look like if OVERKILL didn't remove HRT spawns on Death Sentence difficulty