I want to apologize!
If you want to request mods, message me via discord, or here on Mod Workshop through the comment section.
I made this guy wait for 3 fxxking weeks just out of my laziness, so I want to apologize to them lol.
It's just that I haven't been playing Payday lately, been too busy on Genshin and Project Diva Mega Mix. ( ╮ŏωŏ)╭
Btw the character description was completely stolen from this mod by Francja, so go give them some love. (* ´ ∀ `)~♡
Lastly since I haven't been playing, I don't have Infamy, so I just added the image lol.
You can see the respective mods on the Images and Files sections of the mod
The mods in this pack are:
- Name and Icon Change for Jiro (2 Versions)
- EXP Ring
- Infamy Pool Ring
- Loading Icon
- Game Logo
- Health and Armor indicators
There are 2 versions of the character icon, the only difference is that one has a colors, and the other one has a payday style.
Using the health with other HUD mods
If you wish to combine this with another HUD, disable any sort of custom health since this only replaces the Vanilla Health Circle. (Since some mods like Hotline Miami HUD replace your health and interaction by default)
I'd recommend using it with a "health as numbers" mod if you want to make your health look pretty while keeping some functionallity such as: Health and Armor as Numbers Standalone by test1
I will be taking requests for either:
-Dakimakura mods
-Interaction circle
-ACH hit/kill markers
-Health and Armor
-Name replacements
-Character Icons
-And some other mod overrides
So comment if you'd like to see your pet gacha cupon that you'll never use until your favorite character is on banner or your amine trapfu as a payday mod.
Please provide me with the images to make it easier for me. (ΦωΦ)b
Discord will allow me to do NSFW requests that I wouldn't be able to upload on MWS or steam and will normaly take a lot less time, keep that in mind.
You can also message me on discord if you just want to talk. ( ╮ΦωΦ)╭