Goat Simulator but with improvements; more cover, better AI pathing, and hopefully very few issues! Many thanks to @Hoppip for helping and playtesting me with me!
What motivated you to do this:
On 13/09/2022, I decided to play some Goat sim to get my daily skin drop. I joined on day 2 of the heist; Our team was pretty competent, and it was on Overkill difficulty. It was hell. And this was on a difficulty I otherwise do not struggle with on any other heist.
Thank god I missed day 1. I was so infuriated with this maps' lack of changes over almost half a decade that it's been out, that I decided to put matters into my own hands. I furiously dropped everything I was working on, and, over the course of 12 days, 52 collective hours, and tens of playtests, I added a bunch of changes to the map; QOL improvements, more cover, better AI pathing and spawns that don't overwhelm you as much, and generally made the heist more consistent and into something I'd actually want to play.
So what has been changed? (Click on "Spoiler! to see changes!")
Day 1 changes:
- MORE TRUCKS AND COVER. Buses have been added (why were they not there to begin with Overkill?!) to provide hideyholes and places to bunker down briefly.
- Slightly increased the edges of the map to allow for more distance between you and the cops.
- Opened the second floor door on the burning building because the puzzle is just too convoluted and annoying to deal with when smoke obscures your vision and cops already spawn there and try to stop you anyway. It seems weird, is all.
- The cafe has had its counters moved about to provide better cover.
- The shop near the construction site has been completely revamped; it's now a Pear store, the tables and windows have been completely replaced, and some of the loot will provide instant cash.
- Electrical fuseboxes have been moved around so the great majority of them are actually behind cover instead of being out in the open.
- Moved some of the traffic and lamp posts around to provide a more consistent driving experience.
- Redid the entire AI Pathing so enemies don't run inside of buses and cars.
- Buildings that spawn snipers have been made 1-2 stories lower so it's considerably easier to hit them. One sniper spawn (on top of the "V" building) has been "disabled" (May or may not work).
- More stuff people will find out.
Day 2 changes:
- Spawns of cops has shifted around to the parrellel cliffs near the river and the bridge areas.
- The Truck holding the Longfellow has been moved to the bridge.
- LOADS more Haybales, rocks, haystacks, an oil drum or two, and other bits of cover has been added to provide cover.
- The placement of the cage assembly has been moved to as follows:
** Field next to the bridge (Formerly was located on the other side of the bridge). The pathing has been adjusted so cops go around to the field, instead of using the shortcut.
** Silo (unchanged)
** Near the front of the barn (Formerly was located on the road). - Added traffic to the road.
- The rotating bridge section has the cop spawn further back (like you'd find in, say, A WAVE BASED SHOOTER).
- While the drilltime of the door has not been altered (yet!), there is now boarded up windows to allow for better (but not invulnerable) protection. The window directly in front is not walled up to allow for cops to still allow for turning off the bridge.
- The truck for the final sprint has been moved further back, and in alignment with the roads' yellow lines, to allow for better escape (and less risk of screwing up).
- (Hopefully) fixed the issue where enemies would phase through the wall near the bridge.
- Removed endless assault
- Adjusted cover near the silo to better protect against turret fire
- Removed railings to allow the player to enter the road by dropping down from near the bridge control room.
- Trimmed some bushes for visibility.
- More stuff i'm sure people will find out.
- Helicopter spawning cops in the barn.
- I'm debating on disallowing the cops to pick up the goats on Day 2.
- The goats required to be obtained in order to exit the map are something I want to lower for replayability as it means you don't get to see all the RNG elements:
** Normal: 5
** Hard: 5
** Very Hard: 6
** Overkill: 8
** Mayhem, Death Wish, Death Sentence: 9
** One Down (any difficulty): 8
Let me know of any changes you want me to make, and i'll try and make them if they seem like a good idea.
If you like this mod, consider giving me internet monies via the PayPal button on the right-hand side.