Adds Eirin's Theme from Touhou Eiyashou (東方永夜抄) ~ Imperishable Night Setup/Stealth: Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World Control: Voyage 1969 Anicipation/Assault: Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
"This is Eirin Yagokoro's theme.
Impossible courage, ferocity, and vigor--
This theme combines all of those, making for a ridiculously foolish and energetic song.
All the energy and foolishness culminates in the final boss (really?), so the act itself of putting this song in a shmup is lunacy.
I didn't want to get caged in on a theme for this one."
yeah I've got nothing to say, Eirin's theme is too powerful... In a good way, and that's why it's one of my favouraite themes.
...hey, I used these images for my other "Gensokyo Millenium" mod, huh.