Stop Yelling Already was a mod that would allow you to configure which types of voicelines characters would use in-game, either the voice lines you yell during Assault waves ("loud" lines) or only use the less shout-y lines used in between Assault waves ("calm" lines). This is a restoration of this mod to make it working as intended, as well as a few tweaks to make the mod more consistent.
-Can be configured per character. If you really only want to shut up a handful of characters, you can choose to tone them down while leaving all other characters unaffected.
-Includes special kill lines. This was apparently an issue, but after near weeks of playtesting this has been somewhat improved. Please comment otherwise if you run into "leaks" of the loud lines.
-There are some voicelines that do not have a "calm" variant (eg, warcries, yelling "Oh shit!" in response to the elevator falling in No Mercy). You can decide whether to let them play out, or mute them entirely.
Do note that this mod uses "Hard overrides," which is to say __Any other mod that affects voicelines (such as the Fix Voiceline Overlap mod by Hoppip) will likely not be compatible with this mod. __ My amateur attempts at implementing these features from other mods have not been successful.