Makes partially and fully intimidated enemies immortal for every player in your session.
Only works when you are the host.
Made for people who are frustrated with their random teammates killing potential converts (a.k.a. jokers).
How it works:
Immortality effect is applied to a cop as soon as they enter the "hands up" animation, and lasts until they are either no longer intimidated, or until they enter the "tied down" (cuffed) state. After they are handcuffed, they will become killable again, after a short duration (5-30 seconds) that you can tweak in IDC mod options.
Other features:
- Intimidated enemies can be highlighted (with a blue outline) - enable/disable in IDC mod options
- After enemies loose their immortality effect they can keep their blue highlight until they get uncuffed or die - enable/disable in IDC mod options
Highlight functionality is based on Undeadsewer's Intimidated Outlines mod, but uses blue outline (which is used by converts) to reduce visual clutter.
Known issue:
- When converted cops die, their dead body may stay highlighted, if enemy highlights are enabled. Pretty sure this bug was in Intimidated Outlines as well
BeardLib is only required for auto-updates, so it's not 100% necessary.
Language support:
- English
- Russian
- French - provided by Tardoss
- Simplified Chinese - provided by Arknights (currently outdated)
- Spanish - provided by MaxiAccess (currently outdated)
- Brazilian Portuguese - provided by gabsF (currently outdated)
Language is based on your superBLT's language setting.
If you want to help translating this mod, message me on workshop with your translation, name of the language and, if you want, a link to any of your profiles that you want to have in the credits above. Translation for the title is not necessary. Text to translate:
"IMMDOMCOP_title": "Immortal dominated cops",
"IMMDOMCOP_desc": "",
"IMMDOMCOP_highlights": "Highlights",
"IMMDOMCOP_highlights_desc": "Enable or disable intimidated enemy highlighs",
"IMMDOMCOP_keep_hl_for_mortals": "Mortal highlights",
"IMMDOMCOP_keep_hl_for_mortals_desc": "If enabled, intimidated enemies who have lost their immortality will keep their blue highlight untill untied or killed. Requires highlights option to work.",
"IMMDOMCOP_immortality_duration": "Immortality duration",
"IMMDOMCOP_immortality_duration_desc": "After enemy completely gives up, they will loose their immortality after this amount of seconds. Slider values: 5-30.",