Slap the mod folder (ignore the .class files) into the mods folder and run the randomize.bat (USES JAVA, but really who doesnt have java these days) and confirm using Y.
Requires SuperBLT.
Look at instructions for further info on how to use the mod.
Sets damage, concealment, rate of fire, accuracy, stabilty, lowest ammo pickup, highest ammo pickup, magazine size and total ammo to a random value in a range depending on the stats of weapons comparable to itself.
The range is calculated as follows:
FROM lowest value * 3/4 TO highest value * 4/3
To randomize, run the randomize.bat in the mod folder.
If any issues occur, please post them with the seed value at the bottom of the .lua file.
For people interested/suspicious of the .jar, I have added the class files used into the downloadable .zip file.