Unzip the pack and put the folder La Pluma (Arknights) voicelines replace Ice Pick sfx into mod_overrides.
解压压缩包后,把La Pluma (Arknights) voicelines replace Ice Pick sfx这个文件夹丢进mod_overrides,注意——是mod_overrides!
As the title said, this MOD will replace some of the sfx of Ice Pick with La Pluma's (Arknights) voicelines.
顾名思义,这个MOD会将近战武器碎冰锄/冰斧(Ice Pick)的部分音效,替换成明日方舟的角色羽毛笔的语音。
Replaced voicelines:
when equiping weapon 装备武器时
-"Sure. "( 好哦。/いいよ。)
when hitting enemy 击中敌人时
-"Haah! "( 喝!/はっ!)
-"I'll cut you in two! "( 把你砍成两半!/真っ二つにしちゃうから。)
-"It's a little harder than I expected... "(比想象的要费劲一点呢....../思ってたよりちょっと大変……)
-"Let's finish this. "( 快点结束掉吧。/さっさとやっちゃお。)
This MOD will also replaces some of the other melee weapon’s hit sounds, e.g: Gold Fever (Mining Pick) 这个MOD也会换掉其他镐类近战武器的音效,例如:淘金热矿镐