Early Lighting
Publish Date3 years ago
Last Updated2 years ago

So what are you planning on adding or changing? I noticed you got long shadows in but as a trade off the draw distance is way shorter, it doesn't even render objects with exceptions like the arches in duscae.

I also suggest you turn the night shadows on because right now it's like in the base game where there are no shadows cast by the moon making the night light bleed through everything.

(Owner)3 years ago(Edited)

Hey, thanks for commenting!

I've noticed the shadow issues and plan to fix them eventually however, the draw distance claim you have is confusing me. Do you mean shadow draw distance or object draw distance like LODs?


@Gru Yeah I meant shadow draw distance, and I just noticed something really odd, from a fresh boot the game doesn't render the shadows of these arches.
Like this.
But when you enable the mod while being in the main menu they appear?

Oh and I wanted to mention that the shadow draw distance is way, way higher in cutscenes, so would it maybe be possible to get it to render like this in regular gameplay?

(Owner)3 years ago(Edited)

@DataPack Really good finds. I'll definitely look into this more. I'm not certain that it would be possible to get the shadow settings to render like in the cutscenes, but it's also worth a look.


@Gru The screenshot is specifically from Titan's summoning cutscene if that matters because I did notice that other summons and some cutscenes don't really affect stuff like long shadows but his does.

(Owner)3 years ago(Edited)

@DataPack Interesting, good to know.

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