Choose one of the 8 possible characters to join the party as a guest character when loading your game.
- Ardyn
- Aranea
- Cor
- Iris
- Umbra
- Ravus
- Sarah
- Ifrit*
Updated 10/23/22 - Optional addon to increase Sarah's, Ravus's, Cor's and Aranea's HP, Attack, and all Stats.
Updated to give Sarah a Menu Idle animation.
This mod does not add, or change any of the abilities or functions of the characters, it uses the native functions hidden within the game. Some of them will fight in battle, some of them will not.
~Ifrit will join the party only in battle after using his Firaga technique, use Regroup if unable (See here for more information.
The characters behave the same as they would with cheat engine / debug (if those tables ever worked for them). If a character is ever forced to leave the party, you can save your game, and reload the new save and they will return.
To remove a guest member, see optional mod.
FOR MODDERS: I have included some instructions on how to make or edit this mod at the bottom of the page here.
*special thanks to Light and Kizari from Exineris discord for their help making in changing weapon stats.
Made with the new modding tool and mod manager Flagrum that replaces all other mod tools for the game with a single tool. Supports automatic backups, and managing of your files. Join the Exineris discord and download Flagrum: *Version 1.2+ required