This mod prevents interaction through walls. You have to have a clear line from the interaction point to the player camera in order to interact with every unit.
Some units are ignored since they're inside other objects. There might be some units you can't interact with, if soo, please send a screenshot of the unit, with some info, like on which heist it occures, and where it exactly is soo I can add it to the ignored units.
There are options soo you can disable the mod while mid-heist, aswel as a debug option that will simply draw a line between interaction point and your camera, and print unit IDStrings when you can't interact with it (sending that will make it much easier for me to fix the problem when you can't interact with the unit).
Thanks to Leannan for testing!
*This does affect only you, even when you're hosting, other players can still interact the original way, unless they have this mod installed. If you crash please send a crash report file! You can find it at %localappdata%/PAYDAY 2/crash.txt