Works similar to anarchist but instead of gaining 30 armor on kill, you gain 2.5 dodge on headshots with a cooldown of 1.5 sec and it stacks 8 times meaning you can achieve 95% in perfect conditions (Having 8 stacks, running and bots).
For each kill you have 5 seconds to kill or the stack resets, stack will maintain until you stop killing. You do not need headshots to maintain the stack.
Half your health is converted to 45% dodge instead of armor.
Moved immune for 2 seconds to last perk card from first.
First card includes entering matrix for 2 seconds in a loud heist and while meleeing with a cooldown of 5 seconds. Other actions then melee will cancel it. If you don't want matrix, you can change line 3 in the file from use_slowmotion_on_melee = true to use_slowmotion_on_melee = false