this is a mod that improves the team A.I.
Their movement speed is faster overall, not only that but they can run super quick in all directions. Keep in mind their walking speed is extremely fast too, so they could be comparable to PDTH's better bots walking speed.
Team A.I. have their run_start, and run_stop animations removed to be faster. I don't notice a real difference though but its nice to have. (credit: James)
Team A.I. now assist with dominations. (credit: restoration mod) - Team A.I. now dom cops independently. They will still assist of course... It might be a bit buggy but whatever. **(NEW FEATURE ADDED:) ** - When you are in custody, your Team A.I. will be able to immediately dominate cops. Just like how they act in stealth.
Team A.I. do not crouch anymore.. This makes them faster but I understand if you don't like it. Thats why I'm adding two versions in, one w/ crouching and the other w/o. (credit: James)
Team A.I. account for crew alive bonuses and hopefully count for multiplayer spawns (credit: useful bots, hoppip, also schmuddle for his betterbots code for it)
Team A.I. are now cuffed instead of downed by cloakers (credit: restoration mod)
Team A.I. have their civve code improved upon (credit: restoration mod)
Team A.I. have their maximum health and health regeneration nerfed. This is because I bloody hate vanilla team A.I. hp values. I hate it. (credit: hoppip and James) - This is edited on the "no crouch" version.
New Feature! - Team A.I. now have set weapons depending on what heister they are. If they are chains, they have M249's.
At the moment, this only affects:
But in the future I will improve upon the other heisters. - I made it affect all heisters. They should now use their restoration mod counterparts.
Another new Feature: - Team A.I. now call for a doctor bag when at low health.
You should also be able to shoot through bots....hopefully.... idk lmao
I hope this mod improves peoples experiences and most importantly doesn't explode and die in 10 seconds. (this is a cry for help please tell me if I messed anything up in the modding at all pls tell me I beg of you)
(edit as of 12/05/2022:) apparently this mod makes team A.I. fucking stupid as hell on online or something idk like they will and I quote "lag behind due to desync" or whatever idk but anyway I don't know how to really fix this because keep in mind I have no idea how to mod aside from reading the code and thinking I understand it when in reality I don't know what 95% of it does. so uhhhhhhh, heres apparently what the desync does:
~~the desync only appears when you are a client, and a host is running my mod. The team A.I. will appear almost as if they are delayed, for example: for me, the team A.I. are camping around me. Whilst for you, they're still running from the lobby in big bank.. Typical desync stuffs. If you want a better example:
"kinda like in u37.1 when you see a downed bot walking around
and eventually flopping over"
it shouldn't matter too much though because if you're hosting, you should very well have human players to rely on instead of team A.I. but eh, I might try to figure out how to fix this...if I can (cough cough send help) - honestly shouldn't be too bad of an issue but eh, idk. desync bad I guess