After downloading the mod, use a program such as 7zip or WinRAR to extract the main folder of the mod.
Move the main folder of the mod to assets/mod_overrides. The assets folder is supposed to be in your game's installation folder (don't know where that is? click here for PAYDAY2 folder). Create the folder if necessary
No BLT. No Beardlib. Only Mod_Overrides.
For those who do not understand how to install it
"Disk":\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\assets\mod_overrides\The Particle Massacre [folder not archive]
For better performance on the part of NVIDIA drivers, you need to do the following - NVIDIA Control Panel > Configure Surround, PhysX > PhysX Settings [on right] > Processor: "Auto-detect" replace "Name of your graphics card" [GTX 1070 for example]