Time for a classic bank hit. No idea what exactly they have in there but it wouldn't be in a obsidian vault if it wasn't expensive.
Make sure you've read up on the assets, they will be crucial to your success.
Play the latest edition of the Shovelforge maps, Featuring a very epic new feature that probably doesn't work for controller users! Make sure you've got a mouse lying around.
All images are 100% taken in PAYDAY 2 with no visual enhancements!
Join our PAINFUL discord to talk about the heist, share clips, or report bugs
Known Issues
Drill is jank. Too many issues.
If you have an auto skip intro mod, the voice line may overlap with the spawn voice line.
Sometimes the lever interactions don't actually require levers
The Secret achievement is not currently obtainable.
Mako: Custom Models, Mission Scripting, Original Map.
Cupcake: Mission Scripting.
LobaKyo: Original Map.