I've decided to take a break from making bad mods to make (what I think) Is a good collection of 83 subtle game-enhancing mods. These will vary from minor things such as texture improvements, to a few gameplay changing mods such as useful bots, however nothing drastic.
A full list of all of the mods and their respective creators is in the license tab as well as in the readme.txt file. Consider sopporting them as they spend a lot of hours into making these mods.
How to install:
Make sure you have the latest version of SuperBLT and BeardLib installed
Download the 7z file
Extract the folder into your game directory (should look something like this: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common)
That's it!
I recommend reading the readme.txt before asking any questions as your answer may be there.
There shouldn't be any conflicts with these mods as I run all of these myself, however if you do find any conflicts do message me.