Takes the mod made by Alcat and fixes the texture issue on the LAM gadget. Additionally, this removes the concealment penalty on the gadget to make it more appealing for stealth. Go get your tacticool on.
INSTALLATION: Drag and drop it into your Mod_overrides, requires beardlib and all of that like every other custom weapon mod addon. Does not require the original mod, but you should pay your respects to it for the amazing work Alcat did.
CREDITS: Alcat for making the original mod https://modworkshop.net/mod/19330 . Leon for fixing the LAM texture. Me for adjusting the stats.
ISSUES: Skins DO NOT WORK on the gadget. I highly recommend using "Better Skin Customization" by Rokk to exlude the gadget from skins. Seriously, that mod is a great workaround.