Gun Palz is a mod that helps personalize all of your Heister Bots by spicing up their weapon variety, making them seem more human and less like damage sponges with legs!
This mod will achieve that by giving each individual bot a table of select weapons, along with modifications on those weapons, all to fit their personalities better! For example, Dallas will be equipped with an AMCAR, JP36, or an AK, all modded to a specific tactical look, with a Crosskill as a sidearm, and Houston will choose between a UAR or an AK5, with a tactical Compact-5 as a secondary!
Bots will also all use statistically identical, but visually different melee weapons tailored to fit their personality!
__Did someone say, SECONDARIES?! __
Say farewell to the ugly, low poly PDTH era B9-S, Mark 11, and Chimano pistols that your AI Companions would use without this mod, now, they'll use the same gorgeous guns you use, in both calm and dire situations alike!
A vanilla feature, but bots will now pack a punch whilest incapacitated by using real secondaries, and not the NPC weapons mentioned prior!
Bots will also swap to their secondaries in moments of calm, when an assault ends, they'll swap to their secondaries, and only switch back to their primaries either when an assault starts up again, or someone is in danger from being tased or incapacitated!
Misc. Notes
This mod was a collaboration between me and Hoxi, with her doing 90% of the work, with me setting up the tables and such. This mod would not exist without her, can't thank you enough, Hoxi!
If you would like to use this mod only for the secondary weapon changes, you're free to either edit the mod's charactertweakdata file, or override the primaries with the Crew Management menu!
This mod IS incompatible with other mods that tweak bot equipment, such as Hoppip's Bot Weapons and Equipment.