The last member of the Literature Club - Natsuki - is here!
Used an acrylic standee and keychain as a references: Feel free to share your thoughts in comments, b-but it's not like I'm gonna read them or something...
Q: How to install? A: Check "Dependencies & Instructions" tab.
Q: Why it's not included in your modpack? A: Yeah, about that... the limit of archives in MWS is 250 MB, and considering those charms were made separately from my modpack from the start - I decided there's no worth including those sets.
Q: So that means... Charms for other girls? A: Monika', Sayori' and Yuri' charms are already done!
Q: I'd like it more if if they were transparent, not black/white... A: Trust me, I'd like that too. But the result I got is awful.
Q: Is that Dragan' rifle on banner? A: Yeah... everyone have their skeletons hidden in the closet...