Check what this mode did on April Fool's Day in 2022!
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WARNING!!! This mod increases difficulty!
Require Hoplib
I've removed things broken by recent update(U226) but if there's still something broken, plz let me know though recording unit and weapon in developer mode.
Does it require other players to install? Is it synched?/该模组需要所有玩家都安装吗?会影响联机吗?
No. For the main function(random weapons), it only requires host to install. In that case, changed weapon data(such as full-auto minigun for swat) and most other functions that are not important are not synched. But for some of functions, you may ask your friends to install as well so that you can play the same game and experience them together.
不需要;不会导致你无法加入其他人的房间,也不会使其它玩家无法加入你的房间。对于最主要的多样化随机武器相关功能,只要房主安装了,客机也能看到敌人携带不同的武器;房主没安装,你作为客机安装了,则本模组不会生效。 但这样的话有一部分内容或功能不会同步给客机,例如六头水军用加特林连发(客机不装只能看到水军用加特林当步枪一样点射)、数据多样化、受击振动等。如果你想跟朋友共同体验这些内容,你最好还是让你的朋友一起使用。
Introduction / 简介
A light mod with light codes. This will make game much more difficult.
Dangerous mode is basically completed
Not only you, but also bots will take more damage. According to my test, bots get down much faster than before.
And enemies' revolving pistol(damage), ak47(firerate) can be strengthened a bit. You can manually set the option to enable or disable this function. These changes are not synced!
Different weapons have different data. Therefore, you might not feel grace period most of time.(Grace period is not applied when the previous damage you were taken is less than the next one)
Enemies will have ak47,m4,mp5,g36,minigun,ump45,r870,etc...
They can also throw some grenades if you enable the function!
I know that weapons like sniper and minigun may use the preset of rifle(depend on which unit carrying them), I've already found the way to solve it and have given a 'minifix' function in settings. However these changes won't be synched.
But this mod will probably make things work and synced, I didn't even check it though:
Better Cops weapon usage
I only give non-special enemies different weapons. You can manually change its code to custom it(But be aware, changing some special enemies' weapons may cause crash).
Using this mod can help make it easier: Reduced I-Frame Damage
↑This mod is already contained by my mod, if you're using both of them, you may disable the function in my mod's settings.
Put a crashlog in the comment when you have crash with this mod.
Compatible with the latest version of NPC Weapon Customizer.
Incompatible with most of enemies overhaul mods.
Thank you.
使用这个模组可以减少本模组带来的难度提升:Reduced I-Frame Damage
Tips——how to customize it / 如何自定义该模组
I offer you a setting to customize it now.
You can push the slider to customize how many of this weapon will be added into weapon list. The Mod will randomly choose one weapon from weapon list. So higher value means higher chance to get the weapon.