There is a base of 12 vivid colors. With including the ones between them, there is 12 more with total of 24. With variations of brightness and saturation there's 6 versions of each one of those 24. Thats total of 144 colors. Also we can add gray transitions between white and black so add 6 more.
This pack contains 150 colors.
Don't worry, you don't need to have all of them.
There is total of 6 palettes with 24 colors each: MAIN, DARK, LIGHT and PALE versions of these three. Plus another palette with 6 MONOCHROME colors.
All palettes are separated to different files.
BUT there is also COMPLETE version that contains all 150 colors, so you don't have to download 7 different files and have 7 different mods, but 1 instead.
Check images for more information.