Let me present you Signature John Wick's Clown Mask made by me.
Mod contains 2 standalone masks: Wick and Wick Begins.
It's pattern optimized!
Also, there are 3 optional mods/addons for you to choose:
- BLT script to make Wick use this clown mask as preferred (unmodded users will see Collateral glasses instead)
- Portrait addon for PDTH: HUD. "White-ish White's Wick"
- UPDATE added Fednet icons
Base mod:
Paste folder from the archive into <Payday 2 folder>/assets/mod_overrides/
Wick's Preferred Mask:
Place folder from the archive into <Payday 2 folder>/mods
Addon for PDTH: HUD: (Requires PDTH: HUD, ofc)
Place folder from the archive into <Payday 2 folder>/mods
It will add portrait texture and script + it will replace add.xml
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY GOT SOME ADDON PORTRAITS, just open add.xml via some text editor and the bottom add this line:
<texture path="guis/textures/pdth_hud/portraits/white_wick"/>
Just before "</table>"
Fednet icons:
Drop folder from the archive into mod_overrides. It will replace existing icons + create backup (wick_bw and wick_clean_bw)
I got really confused with all fednet mods existing in net, so if your mod replaces JW character icon with Collateral glasses and you want to see my mask instead, I suggest you to play around with files. File path to JW character icon: guis/textures/pd2/blackmarket/icons/characters/jowi.texture
. Replace it with wick.texture from this Fednet icons addon.