~sway those hips~
Tried to replace some briefing screens with waifus doing dances (it's kinda broken right now, it sometimes works sometimes doesn't xd)
/Just watch out for those rainbow screen, I try to fix as soon as possible/
goes into mod_overrides folder
Update v0.1
Alright, I can't manage to make it work so I took out almost all vids for now
- on bain briefing screens you can see Zero Two dancing until I figure out the rest
Update v0.2
- bain briefing screen: Two Zero
- hector briefing screen: Hitagi Senjougahara
- vlad briefing screen: ME ME ME - waifu
- all of them comes in 3 variations
Managed to solve all the problems, now every briefing screen replacement works now (you can check them out at the images section)
Although, sorry if it is a little bit pixelated or stretched out this is the onlyway to solve it right now
Will try to make a background for it but the white colour gifs will most likely make the briefing text unreadable
(oh well, what a shame.. but look at those hips swinging)
Update v0.3
- resized all dancing animation into smaller ones so it doesn't block the whole screen
(only left zero two cuz that one is rly dope and everything is ,readable visible) - added purple background which goes well with everything
- also added a little suprise:
you can see some ahegao art at the loading screens in the form of dot art
Update v0.4
- changed the main menu background, but it might be temporary idk yet (if you have any suggestion just comment)
- changed all (or I hope so) loading screens to a more pleasing one /I STONGLY RECOMMEND TO TURN OF THE LOADING SCREEN TIPS/
will try to add more dancing to the briefings but for now this was priority, also will change the positon of the dot art a little cuz it doesn't interfere well with the briefing vids yet
Update v0.5
- new jimmy briefing: Cyan neko girl
- new locke briefing: Freya
- new continenctal briefing: Megumin
- on the failed heist screen you will make Sagiri sad
Update v0.6
- new dentist briefing: Sagiri
- new butcher briefing: Kanna
- new elephant briefing: Rikka
- all of them in 3 variation
- remaining brifeing screens also replaced with dancing angels
- on heist succes screen there is a suprise
Update v0.7
- re-done 3-4 briefing video cuz they were to dark, now they aren't
- moved the little gif when you finish the heist succesfully, now its smaller, although I'm not sure where to put it so now its "there"
- added new textures for the card drops /check pictures/
thinking that I might add nekopara font to the game, what do you think?
also found a cool picture for the loading picture so I can update it to be more "friendly"
Looks like the video needs to be in a specific size, otherwise it will be broken
In other words the file needs to be in a horizontal resolution
If you have any suggestion, idea, or help for what to do I would glady appriciate it

Publish Date5 years ago
Last Updated4 years ago