I noticed that there are no mods that would change the death sentence mask's color so I created a few by myself. They were meant to be for personal use, mainly as they're not very professionally done, but I figured at least someone here would might wanna use them.
As for the Deathwish mask, you can find the mod here, works fine.
See ''Images'' tab to see the examples
Mod contains 10 colors, along with an empty variant (it removes all the lava), to install it, download the file, extract it somewhere and from there choose a color you want (only choose one file!) and then drop it into mod_overrides folder, located at SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/PAYDAY 2/assets.
The white color is a bit transparent and will probably not be noticable on all materials, sorry about that.
SMALL NOTE: Death Sentence mask mod will also affect the 5 golden masks's effects, I hope that's not too bad.